A look at Long Beach Island, NJ
This is something that you don’t see very often, a frozen bay. The cold temperatures of December 2017 and January 2018 led to the bay freezing. Back in the 1970’s the bay froze enough so that some people were actually driving on the ice…. until they found the spots that weren’t frozen as hard as they thought.
A neighbor sent a few photos of my Mom’s house in North Beach Haven. He said the snow was really drifting. The Boulevard was clear in some spots and you would come to a 5′ drift. The snowstorm was followed by some extremely cold temperatures.
An add on a free map from 1963 for Herb Feiler’s Rip Tide Bar on Dock Road in Beach Haven
The old Coast Guard Station in Barnegat Light has been acquired by the Borough of Barnegat Light and is now the Borough Hall.
A visit to the Barnegat Lighthouse and Park is a great way to spend a day. The Barnegat Lighthouse was built in 1855. It was designed by the Union Army General George “Snapping Turtle” Meade. Old Barney stands 165 feet high.
The Barnegat Lighthouse at sunset. The Barnegat Light State Park has trails, fishing and an awesome view of the lighthouse and inlet. When the lighthouse is open, the view from the top is spectacular.
Tuckerton Creek is one of the oldest seaports in the United States. Here are a few scenes from 2009
The New Jersey Maritime Museum is a great way to spend some time while learning about the history of New Jersey and the sea.
From 2011, a jet skier is trying to get back to shore before an oncoming storm hits. This one is cutting it a bit close. With the storm this close, lightning is a real danger. (Yes, that includes me taking the photo)