A look at Long Beach Island, NJ
A catch of the day from the 1940’s in North Beach Haven.
The Spice It Up Deli is located in Bay Village. One thing that caught my eye was a Sandwich Called “The Morrow Castle”. The Morrow Castle was a cruise ship that burned on the way from Cuba to the US.
The Beach Haven Public Library is a small library and a museum.
Photos from the LBI Chowderfest – 2012.
This is a 14′ wooden outboard with a 20 HP Mercury Engine. This was shot probably in the early 1970’s.
In my late teens, I purchased a small sailboat from a neighbor. However, because of a bad design of the joint between the hull and he deck, it had a nasty tendency to take on water.
The Ketch has a long history with Long Beach Island. Today it is a restaurant and a night club with teen nights.
Kapler’s Pharmacy in Beach Haven is a small local pharmacy. In the 1940’s they had an ice cream fountain. That is long gone.
I saw this coming back from a fishing trip in 2005. It’s not as bad as it seems.