A look at Long Beach Island, NJ
Kelley’s Old Barney restaurant is one of my favorites when visiting Barnegat Light.
A wooden pram on a trailer towed by a Vespa Motor Scooter.
This classic wood yacht was at the head of Tuckerton Creek by the Stewart’s Root Beer docks for a number of years. My best guess on the last time I saw her was probably in the late 1990’s
There was a recent crash in 2020 of a banner plane in 2020 where two lifeguards rescued the pilot. That plane crashed into the ocean. This is a photo of a crash in the bay from perhaps the late 1970’s or maybe the 1980’s.
Some views of the cove on 17th Street in North Beach Haven in the 1970s
Many of the cottages build up to the 1950’s used solar water heaters for their showers. It was simply a metal tank painted black. The sun’s rays heated the water. For some cottages this was the only hot.. or lukewarm water available.
This was in some slides from the 1950’s from LBI of Mummers or a String Band marching along the Boulevard.
An old wooden inboard runabout in the bay just off of the Shapiro Mansion
A Trojan wooden runabout during the 1950’s