A look at Long Beach Island, NJ
The Engleside Hotel was founded by Robert Engle, the former manager of the Parry House. This is an engraving of the hotel as it appeared in the 1800’s
Tucker’s Island was a small community on an island/peninsula just south of Holgate. The island had been inhabited since the late 1700’s. In the 1800’s Rueben Tucker purchased the island and built a home and small tavern. The community grew. Eventually it was about half the size of Beach Haven.
Explore Margaret Thomas Buchholz’s captivating books about Long Beach Island. Dive into the rich history and beauty of LBI.
Discover the captivating tales of Long Beach Island with books by John Bailey Lloyd. Dive into the rich history & culture of LBI. Explore now!
The Parry House was one of the earlier hotels on Long Beach Island. Bonds Long Beach House preceded it. It was a 200 bed hotel.
Boating on Long Beach Island began with the canoes of the Native Americans. There are some rumors that Viking Longships may have visited the area prior to Columbus. During the 1800’s sailing vessels such as Catboats filled the bay.
The Harvey Cedars Bible Conference was formerly the Harvey Cedars Hotel.