A look at Long Beach Island, NJ
If you want to see what is happening on the island or just do a five minute virtual visit, here are some LBI webcams. UPDATE – New cam added – A great view of the bay and ocean from Harvey Cedars. (11/18/19)
The Engleside Hotel was founded by Robert Engle, the former manager of the Parry House. This is an engraving of the hotel as it appeared in the 1800’s
The Tiki Bar and Palm Grill at the Seashell Hotel is an outdoor bar and restaurant.
Bonds’ Lifesaving Station in Holgate is now a private residence. It was one of six stations on Long Beach Island.
Tucker’s Island was a small community on an island/peninsula just south of Holgate. The island had been inhabited since the late 1700’s. In the 1800’s Rueben Tucker purchased the island and built a home and small tavern. The community grew. Eventually it was about half the size of Beach Haven.
This is something that you don’t see very often, a frozen bay. The cold temperatures of December 2017 and January 2018 led to the bay freezing. Back in the 1970’s the bay froze enough so that some people were actually driving on the ice…. until they found the spots that weren’t frozen as hard as they thought.
Here is a list of tide charts for Long Beach Island. These can help you see when the worst impact of a storm will occur
This images of Beach Haven were from aerial surveys from 1920 and 1933.
The Rutgers University Marine Field Station is housed in the former United States Coast Guard Station Little Egg.